Artworks Inspired by Life’s Building Blocks

Drop-in and discover new artworks exploring the building blocks of life

Location: (click for map)

Michaelhouse Centre, Trinity St Cambridge, CB2 1SU


Mon 16th Jul, 8:00 am to Sat 28th Jul, 5:00 pm

The Protein Data Bank in Europe (PDBe) based at the Wellcome Genome Campus, The Art Society CANTAB and the The Art Society GRANTA are working with local school art departments to create artworks inspired by life’s building blocks. PDBe maintains a worldwide free database containing 140,000 3D shapes of biological molecules important for health research. The molecules are too small to see even with a normal microscope, and are very complex. In this project, PDBe scientists are working with students to explore the database ( and ways of depicting molecules, using structures as inspiration for the artworks,

This is a free exhibition, staged in the heart of Cambridge. The Michaelhouse Centre is open 7 days a week, and you are welcome to drop in at anytime during the opening hours 08:00 – 17:00

More information:

Michaelhouse Centre