Engaging through social networks

Influencers, tik tok, twitter or twitch? Exploring social networks for our public involvement work.


Tue 18th May, 10:00 am to 12:00 pm

Engaging through social networks

18 May, 10.00-12.00, Zoom

Please register in advance for this training session here.

Trainer: Heather Doran

Capacity: 20 places


Online engagement can be conducted in many ways and social media networks can play a huge role, but how can we use them effectively to expand our reach and, in turn, get different audiences involved? In this session, conducted by Heather Doran, we will look at influencers, tools and platforms; we will get out of our comfort zone from Tik tok to Twitch. We will explore novel ways of using the platforms we might already be using, and will come out with some tools to support you in designing a successful social media campaign.

Who is this for?

If you are interested in starting a public engagement project, you might want to use social networks to contact your audience or promote activities or events, then this session is for you. You might want to start up your own digital project which directly involves instagram or Twitter, then this session is for you too.

What skills will you acquire?

Social media monitoring; social media tools and platforms; digital engagement skills

Where will you use this?

Anyone who wishes to have a public profile will need to make proper use of social networks. You will also be able to use these skills in advertising your own public appearances and projects. If you have an Enabling Fund, you will acquire skills which will help you promote and advertise your own work, project or activities.


Register here: https://bit.ly/378XNvZ