Silent Signal

Bringing together artists and scientists to create experimental animated artworks

Silent Signal was an ambitious, touring group exhibition, devised and developed by Animate Projects, which brought together six artists with six biomedical scientists to create experimental animated artworks exploring new ways of thinking about the human body. These new commissions explored how the immune system functions, how disease is spread and how our genetic code can be manipulated. Each work was the result of the artists and scientists collaborating closely for two years.

The exhibition was an opportunity for us to expand our visitor offer, with a regular programme of evening openings that were well-attended. Before the exhibition closed we hosted a drop-in workshop called Get Animated!, which was led by artists Genetic Moo and was an interactive way of bringing the exhibition to life.

Darren Logan, a Wellcome Genome Campus scientist, was a collaborator on one of the works, The Signal and the Noise, and the campus was the third host venue for the exhibition between May and September 2016 as it toured the UK. This has enabled us to forge connections with new artists and galleries around the country.

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